Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Mon Apr 28 21:14:55 CDT 2003
There has been talk about using batch files to update an FE from a server before running it. These all require some degree of customisation, possibly through environment variables, to hard code the location of MS Access and therefore are a PITA to set up on multiple workstations. I decided it was time to build one of my little utilities to simply the process. Now that I've built it, it's available for anyone that wants a copy at - click on the Free software button and look for RunLocal under the "Miscellaneous Utilities" It's only a 12KB download RunLocal.Exe: Copies a file to another directory and then opens the file using the default application. Usage: RunLocal PathAndFileName [/A]||[/D RunDirectory] With no switches, the file PathAndFileName will be copied to the default directory - ie the 'Start In' directory specified in a shortcut or the directory from which the batch file or command line is run" With the /A switch the file will be copied to the Application directory - ie the directory where RunLocal.exe is located" With the /D switch the file will be copied to directory RunDirectory, which will be created if necessary Running the program with no parameters displays a simple help screen Example: "RunLocal \\MyServer\SharedDir\MyApp.MDE /D C:\Temp" copies the latest version of MyApp.MDE from the server to C:\Temp andd then opens C:\Temp\MyApp.MDE. It uses ShelllExecute() to find and load the application required so you can use it any registered file type. -- Lexacorp Ltd Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.