[AccessD] OT: Excel Goto method

Roz Clarke roz.clarke at donnslaw.co.uk
Tue Aug 12 10:11:56 CDT 2003

Any Excel gurus out there who can tell me why this:

oApp.Goto Reference:=shtCurr.Range("qryF1")

would return an 'Application-defined or object-defined error'??



(PS the full code is

    Set oBook = GetObject("I:\IT\Systems Dev\Jobs\821GFGMIS\BBS Format UKI
    Set oApp = oBook.Parent
    Set shtCurr = oBook.Sheets(Format(Forms!frmGreenFlag!txtBeginningDate,
    oApp.Goto Reference:=shtCurr.Range("qryF1")

with qryF1 being a single-cell range which exists on all the sheets in the

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