[AccessD] Setting A2K combo box rowsource using ADO

jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com
Wed Aug 13 10:40:21 CDT 2003

Below is the code I have for a form.  I am using A2K and connecting to a
SQLBase db using ADO.  What I want to do is set my combo box's rowsouce
using the code below.  First I check to make sure that I can get to the
database and if so I want to set the rowsouce accordingly.

The problem I run into is that I get a compile error for a Type MisMatch.
Any help is greatly appreciated.



Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private rsName As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmdtext As String
Dim mymessage As String

'Set the default status of the buttons here
Me.btnExit.Enabled = True
Me.btnSearch.Enabled = True
Me.lblProgress.Visible = False
Me.cmbACSName.Visible = False

Me.lblProgress.Caption = "Retrieving active ACS users...."
Me.lblProgress.Visible = True

'Check to see if we can connect to ACS
con = ACSconnection

If Not CBool(con.State And adStateOpen) Then
    'Could NOT connect to ACS
    mymessage = "ACS User Center could not establish a connection to ACS."
& Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    MsgBox mymessage, vbCritical, "Error: Unable to Connect to ACS"

    Me.lblProgress.Caption = "Error: Could not connect to ACS..."
    Exit Sub
End If

cmdtext = "SELECT ALL"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " UADMINKEY,"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " UADMINNO,"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " (CLAST || ', ' || CFIRST) AS FULLNAME,"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " USERNAME"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " FROM PASSWRD,"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " NAME"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " WHERE"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " PASSWRD.UADMINNO = NAME.CNAMEIN(+)"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " AND"
cmdtext = cmdtext & " (PASSWRD.UACTIVE = 'N')"

Set rsName = New ADODB.Recordset
rsName.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsName.Open cmdtext, setconnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly
Me.cmbACSName.RowSource = rsName
End Sub

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