[AccessD] DataGrid ActiveX control

Stephen Bond stephen at bondsoftware.co.nz
Mon Aug 18 00:12:35 CDT 2003

I am converting a 2000 mdb to a 2002 mdb.

In the 2000 version I have a form with a DataGrid control on it.  (OLE class = DataGrid).  It is unbound, and loaded at form open using an ADO recordset.  In 2000 it works well.

In 2002 I am getting  'run-time error 438, Object doesn't support this property or method'.

It falls over on the last line of this code snippet:
Sub FillGridSpecificJobObservations(ByVal pk)
Dim strSQL As String
  Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
  Set rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
  rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
  rs.LockType = adLockReadOnly
  rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
  strSQL = "SELECT qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.JobId, " & _
                   "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObservationId AS ObsId, " & _
                   "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObserverName AS ObservName, " & _
                   "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObserverDate AS ObservDate, " & _
                   "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObserverTime AS ObsTime, " & _
                   "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.SorU, " & _
  strSQL = strSQL & " FROM qryEquipmentRegisterRHS "
  strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.JobId = " & pk & ";"
  rs.Open strSQL
  rs.Sort = "ObsId Asc"
  SortAsc = True
  Set Me!DataGridSpecificJobObservations.DataSource = rs

where DataGridSpecificJobObservations is the name of the ActiveX control (DataGrid)

Any takers .......?

Stephen Bond 
Otatara, South Island, New Zealand 

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