[AccessD] mail merge

Jim Dettman jimdettman at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 12 10:44:01 CDT 2003


  If you look at that code I sent you awhile back, you'll see that it's a
simple matter not to return control to Access.  The user can then edit to
their hearts content.  The insert of text though would need to be done
through Word if the user has control, unless they know what they want to say
before the merge takes place.

  It's also a simple matter to create one new document per record (that may
even be the way it was when I sent it to you).

Jim Dettman
Online Computer Services of WNY, Inc.
(315) 699-3443
jimdettman at earthlink.net

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of John Colby
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 11:36 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] mail merge

Can you say "user"?

They wants what they wants, and what they wants is to be able to add custom
information from their head about the claim they are working on.

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Wortz, Charles
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 11:18 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] mail merge


Why the on-the-fly choosing?  I have developed mail merge apps where the
user had the choice of several boilerplate templates, but which one to
use was predetermined by the data.  The user makes all the choices
before the mail merge is run, not during it.

Also, why the need to edit the results?  All the variable data should
come from the db or user choices before the mail merge process begins,
not during it.

Charles Wortz
Software Development Division
Texas Education Agency
1701 N. Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78701-1494
CWortz at tea.state.tx.us

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlotte Foust [mailto:cfoust at infostatsystems.com]
Sent: Tuesday 2003 Aug 12 10:00
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] mail merge

Are you trying to manage it from Access?  You might think about a Word
form and macros for some of the on-the-fly stuff, but even Word makes
you make your merge choices from a wizard unless you're hand-building
the merge document.  They can always edit the merged document if you
merge to a new document instead of directly to the printer.

Charlotte Foust

-----Original Message-----
From: John Colby [mailto:jcolby at colbyconsulting.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:07 AM
To: AccessD
Subject: [AccessD] mail merge

My client wants to do mail merges where they can stop and edit the
letter, and also choose (on-the-fly) boiler plate text to be inserted in
the document.  I am building a wizard or code library to manage mail
merge but it seems that with these requirements I would need a form to
pop up to allow them to make selections.

Has anyone ever done this stuff?  How do you handle it?

John W. Colby
AccessD mailing list
AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

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