Bob Hall
rjhjr at
Fri Aug 15 11:09:56 CDT 2003
On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 12:27:26AM -0700, Sad Der wrote: > Hi group, > > I'm getting desperate. I need to finish a project at > 16:00 cet because my plane flies at 18:00 AAAHHRG. > I've created a function that creates a report. Of > course now the users needs more reports. It can vary > from 2-17(!) > I keep getting the error: > 2147 > You must be in design view to create or delete > controls. > > The error is correct because the line: > Set rpt = CreateReport > Creates a new report called "Report1" As you can see I > tried giving the new report a name (using an extra > param) but I could not get it to work. > > I also added the line: > ' DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewDesign I don't know if I'm posting this soon enough to do you any good, but I've done this by making a copy of the report, and apply the new name to the copy. In order to make a copy with a new name, you need the name of the original. Here's one way of getting the name. Someone else may have a simpler technique, but this has worked reliably in an app I created about 18 months ago. Name the original report by closing it, and opening the report listed in the MSysObjects table that was created in the last 4 seconds. Here's a code sample. Sorry about the language, but the important parts are in English. Use Save:=acSaveYes instead of Save:=acSavePrompt if you don't want the user to name the report. If BarnTilForelderRptOppretta Then 'Om koden lyktes med å opprette rapporten, så lukk den. Koden ber om et nytt navn, 'og bruker navnet som brukeren skaffer. Deretter vet Hamsteren ikke navnet. DoCmd.Close ObjectType:=acReport, ObjectName:=RptNavn, Save:=acSavePrompt 'Finn navnet til den nye rapporten. Den skal være rapporten som skaptes innen de 'siste fire sekundene. Set db = CurrentDb strSQL = "SELECT [Name] FROM MSysObjects" _ & " WHERE DateDiff('s', [DateCreate], Now()) < 4" _ & " AND Left$([Name], 4) <> '~sq_'" _ & " ORDER BY [DateCreate] Desc;" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(name:=strSQL, Type:=dbOpenForwardOnly) With rs If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then 'Nå vet Hamsteren navnet. RptNavn = ![name] DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName:=RptNavn, View:=acViewDesign Bob Hall