Susan Harkins
harkins at
Sun Aug 17 17:36:24 CDT 2003
> > > 'acObjStateNew The object is new 4 > > It is just a case different bits being set as flags for the various > states. So adding up the bit flags you get the following possible > states. > > Closed =0 > Open old unchanged = 1 > Open old dirty = 3 (1 + 2) > Open new unchanged = 5 (1 + 4) > Open new dirty = 7 (4 + 1 + 2) ========Then why set a constant named acObjStateNew to 4 -- if the object actually returns 5? Other constants don't work like this. This seems terribly confusing -- you're looking for 4, not 5. I'm sorry, but this seems horribly inconsistent with other constants I'm familiar with -- I have never run into this before. Susan H.