Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Mon Dec 1 10:10:51 CST 2003
Hey, I don't understand what is trying to be achieved here ? Iget a null when I just do (Format(Now()-7,"mm-dd")) The format in Auddate column is "mm-dd" WHERE (((audit.AUDDATE)>=Format(Now()-7,"mm-dd") And (audit.AUDDATE)<=Format(Now()-3,"mm-dd")) AND ((Val(Left([employee status],1)))<>5 Or (Val(Left([employee status],1)))=9) AND ((Left([ACTCODE],1))="1")) ----------------------------------------- Get Breaking News from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS Now. http://www.xuppa.com/news/?link=webmail