[AccessD] Menubar On An Access Form

Ken Ismert KIsmert at TexasSystems.com
Wed Dec 10 11:27:07 CST 2003

> I need to work out how to run commands when one of the buttons are

You can get your CommandBarButton to run a public function. In the On Action
property, add the string "=YourFunction(Parms)".  If your function has no
parameters, use simply "YourFunction". The button doesn't use the function's
return value.

Your public function could then get a reference to frmPersonnel, and then
call a public method in the form's class module. In this way, you can link
your CommandBarButton to your form.

> Anyway, is there a way in which I can get the menubar to appear on my form
at the top ?

No. An Office CommandBar can only appear in the application area, either
attached to one of the sides of the application window, or free floating. It
can't be attached to a form. For that, consider the Windows Common Controls
Toolbar control.

- Ken

-----Original Message-----
From: paul.hartland at fsmail.net [mailto:paul.hartland at fsmail.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:47 AM
To: accessd
Subject: [AccessD] Menubar On An Access Form

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