Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Tue Dec 16 12:15:19 CST 2003
Group, I need to move this part T1."EepEEID"=T3."EecEEID" from Where to From because this need to be a Left Outer join. Not sure how to do it properly.. from "ULTIPRO_GPF"."dbo"."EmpPers" T1, (("ULTIPRO_GPF"."dbo"."EmpComp" T3 LEFT OUTER JOIN "ULTIPRO_GPF"."dbo"."Location" T2 on T3."EecLocation"=T2."LocCode") LEFT OUTER JOIN "ULTIPRO_GPF"."dbo"."OrgLevel" T4 on T3."EecOrgLvl1"=T4."OrgCode" and 1=T4."OrgLvl") where T1."EepEEID"=T3."EecEEID" and T1."EepDateOfBirth"<'1954-01-01 00:00:00.000' and T3."EecUDField05"!='BOFA' and T3."EecUDField05"!='HEAD' and T3."EecEmplStatus"!='T' and T3."EecEEType" in ('REG', 'RPT', 'COM') and T3."EecDateOfOriginalHire"<'1998-01-01 00:00:00.000' order by 2 asc, 1 asc ----------------------------------------- Get Breaking News from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS Now. http://www.xuppa.com/news/?link=webmail