[AccessD] XML Http request from Access 2K2 or 2K3

Erwin Craps - IT Helps Erwin.Craps at ithelps.be
Mon Dec 22 14:07:25 CST 2003

OK thx, I'll try to implement this. 

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of MartyConnelly
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 8:46 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] XML Http request from Access 2K2 or 2K3

Here is how I grab an xml RSS news feed file from Microsoft and stick
xml elements into a table It is a little lite on error handling and
needs reference to XML 4.0, I run from Access97.
If your files are large above a couple of megabytes, you may have to use
the SAX parser.

'LoadXMLJP "http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/rss.xml","vbasic"
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/rss.xml","Just Published"
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/rss.xml","Web Services"
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/rss.xml","Visual Studio"
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/rss.xml","Net
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/rss.xml","VC Sharp"
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/rss.xml", "VisualC"
'LoadXML "http://msdn.microsoft.com/security/rss.xml", "Security"
Public Sub LoadXMLJP(ByRef AdviserXML As String, strFeed As String)

   ' On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Const ACTION_NAME As String = "LoadXML"

    Dim oDOMDocument As MSXML2.DOMDocument40
    Dim oNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
    Dim oAdviserDetailsNode As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim oLowestLevelNode As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim objXMLDOMNamedNodeMap As IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap

    Dim sTempValue As String
    Dim msFPTAdviserID  As Object
    'temporary database
Dim MyDb As Database
Dim MyRs As Recordset
Dim irec As Long
Dim strTitleLink As String
    Set oDOMDocument = New MSXML2.DOMDocument40

    oDOMDocument.async = False
    oDOMDocument.validateOnParse = False 'assumes previous check for xml
    oDOMDocument.resolveExternals = False
    oDOMDocument.preserveWhiteSpace = True

    If Not oDOMDocument.Load(AdviserXML) Then
        MsgBox Err.number & Err.Description
        'Call Err.Raise(ERR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_ADVISER_XML, ,
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Debug.Print "grabbed box"
    Set oAdviserDetailsNode = oDOMDocument.documentElement

    Set objXMLDOMNamedNodeMap = oAdviserDetailsNode.Attributes

    'msFPTAdviserID =
    Debug.Print "Set"
    Debug.Print "msFPT"
    Set oNodeList = oAdviserDetailsNode.selectNodes("//item/*")
Set MyDb = CurrentDb
Set MyRs = MyDb.OpenRecordset("RSSFeed") irec = 0  MyRs.AddNew
    For Each oLowestLevelNode In oNodeList
        sTempValue = oLowestLevelNode.Text
     ' Debug.Print oLowestLevelNode.nodeName & "-" & vbCrLf &
        Select Case oLowestLevelNode.nodeName
            Case "title"
              Debug.Print sTempValue
              MyRs!Title = sTempValue
              strTitleLink = sTempValue
            Case "PubDate"
              Debug.Print sTempValue
              MyRs!PubDate = sTempValue
            Case "description"
               Debug.Print sTempValue
               MyRs!fdescription = sTempValue
            Case "link"
              Debug.Print sTempValue
              'MyRs!link = sTempValue
              'need # format for clickable link
              MyRs!link = sTempValue & "#" & sTempValue & "#"
        End Select
        irec = irec + 1
        If irec = 4 Then
        'check if duplicate also check if quote " in string
        Debug.Print DLookup("ID", "RSSFeed", "Title=" & Chr(34) &
strTitleLink & Chr(34))
        If IsNull(DLookup("Title", "RSSFeed", "Title=" & Chr(34) &
strTitleLink & Chr(34))) Then
             MyRs!feed = strFeed
        End If
        irec = 0
        End If
    Set MyRs = Nothing
    Set MyDb = Nothing
    Set oDOMDocument = Nothing
    Set oAdviserDetailsNode = Nothing
    Set objXMLDOMNamedNodeMap = Nothing
    Exit Sub


 '   Call NewError.Raise(Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description,

End Sub

Erwin Craps - IT Helps wrote:

>Euh, I don't think so...
>I explain more detailed.
>My supplier allows me to constuct a url which returns a XML file in a 
>For example
>2 (Real Example but I replaced the website and cust id for obvious
>As a (real) result  I get an XML file looking like this in my browser.
>  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
>- <RealData>
>  <MSG ID="0">ok</MSG>
>- <ITEM>
>  <ID>783662</ID>
>  <DESC>LCD 1501-BK 15" TFT 0.297mm 60kHz 1024 x 768 TCO99 Black</DESC>
>  <QTY>0</QTY>
>  <DELDATE>07012004</DELDATE>
>  </ITEM>
>  </RealData>
>I want to know if I can do this straight away from Access 2K2 or 2K3, 
>knowing that Access suports XML.
>Isn't this what XML is all about?
>Connecting anything to anything???
>Or am I to positive thinking?
>Well, I could resolve this with my http Active-X control I have, but I 
>always prefere to use native Access functionality above purchased 
>The reason why I wanna do this is to startup my E-commerce website next

>I want to be able to update my article database automaticaly with stock

>and purchase information, etc...
>This database is used for my internal application and both E-commerce 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Charlotte 
>Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 4:54 PM
>To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>Subject: RE: [AccessD] XML Http request from Access 2K2 or 2K3
>You can open a recordset on an xml file, if that's what you're looking 
>Charlotte Foust
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Erwin Craps - IT Helps [mailto:Erwin.Craps at ithelps.be]
>Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 1:47 AM
>To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>Subject: [AccessD] XML Http request from Access 2K2 or 2K3
>I never looked in to the XML support for Access.
>Apparantly there is XML support, but the only thing I find is a 
>import/export filter.
>So I'm wundering if I can do a specific http xml request straight from 
>a form, in an easy way?
>Erwin Craps
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Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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