John Clark
John.Clark at
Fri Feb 7 13:47:00 CST 2003
Last week or so, I was on the list, asking about a combo box w/"sections." I am back on that project, after some diversions. I've got the box to work I only mean that my combobox gives me the "look" that I am going for. However, I have two problems to finish it up. The first problem may be beat already. I used the Lebans' code, and it didn't seem to provide for sending the info to the control source in the table. Actually, it probably did, if you wanted to use exactly what was listed in the box. However, I have what looks to be, "repeat data" in my combo box: DENIED / WITHDRAWN HR ADC MA NPA FS GRANT REDUCTION HR ADC MA NPA FS CASES W/NO ERRORS FOUND HR ADC MA NPA FS Because of this data being like this (i.e. "HR" under the heading "DENIED / WITHDRAWN" is not the same as "HR" under the heading "GRANT REDUCTION") they must have different designations, so I cannot use "HR". Easy enough...use an autonumber or some other key value...but it didn't originally provide for this. Instead of just using the query name for the control source, I used "SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryResultsCBO].[RESULTS], [qryResultsCBO].[kID], [qryResultsCBO].[txtResult] FROM [qryResultsCBO];" I now get all three of these in the drop down, but it will do for now. At least I am getting the right value in there. The problem that I have now is that I don't want the user to be able to check the three heading above. Before I got too far into this, I actually had a fix: "If Len(cboResults) > 10 Then" ''Me!cboResults = "" ''Me!cboResults.Dropdown 'End If And this worked great...if you chose one of the headers, it just blanked out and reopened the drop down. I used the number 10 because it is the limit for this choice...I actually used it arbitrarily at first, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed. However, when it worked, I had neglected to link it via Control Source. And, when I put it back it it didn't work. I am working on this, but how do I refer to a row, in a combo box, for the "Len" function? I have used the following with no avail: 'chkString = [Forms]![frmFEDSMain]![cboResults].[Column](0) ..................this gives a length of 42, which is this string If Len(frmFEDSMain!cboResults.ItemsSelected) > 10 Then ........................nada