TNXS Solution: [AccessD] Programmaticly fill control events

marcel.vreuls at marcel.vreuls at
Mon Feb 24 06:07:01 CST 2003

Hi Group,

In all replies I received on my question I copied the parts I thought I
could use. Further more some existing code fo mine. I made this function.
perhaps someone else can use this as well :-). Many thanks to all. This
saves me about 2000 mouse clicks en several hours of dumb work!!!!

Grtz. marcel

Sub fncAddFunctionality(frm As Form)
'Function: Add generic code behind a control
'Specials: -change the event, standard to click
'        : -change/add insertlines to desired code
'        : -add more controltypes in the IF-then statement.
'       : - next to code you can also set custom properties of the control like height, font, etc.
    'All possible controltypes.
    'acLabel Label
    'acRectangle Rechthoek
    'acLine Lijn
    'acImage Figuur
    'acCommandButton Opdrachtknop
    'acOptionButton Keuzerondje
    'acCheckBox Selectievakje
    'acOptionGroup Groepsvak
    'acBoundObjectFrame  Kader voor afhankelijk object
    'acTextBox Tekstvak
    'acListBox Keuzelijst
    'acComboBox  Keuzelijst met invoervak
    'acSubform Subformulier / subrapport
    'acObjectFrame   Kader voor niet-afhankelijk object of grafiek
    'acPageBreak pagina - einde
    'acPage  Page-object (pagina in tabbesturingselement)
    'acCustomControl ActiveX-besturingselement (aangepast besturingselement)
    'acToggleButton Wisselknop
    'acTabCtl Tabblad '

    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim lngLine As Long

    DoCmd.OpenForm frm.Name, acDesign, , , , acHidden

    'Elementen in Controls-collectie opsommen.
    For Each ctl In frm.Controls
        ' Controleren of besturingselement een tekstvak is.
        If ctl.ControlType = acCommandButton Then
            ' Eigenschappen besturingselement instellen.
            With ctl
               ' .Enabled = True
               ' .Height = 400
               ' .SpecialEffect = 0
            End With
            lngLine = frm.Module.CreateEventProc("Click", ctl.Name)
            With frm.Module
                .InsertLines lngLine + 1, "' Purpose: commentline for this code"
                .InsertLines lngLine + 2, "On Error Resume Next"
                .InsertLines lngLine + 3, vbTab & "msgbox ""Hello World"""
            End With
        End If
    Next ctl

    DoCmd.Save acForm, frm.Name
    DoCmd.Close acForm, frm.Name
End Sub

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