[AccessD] [dba-SQLServer]More SQL Server 7 Stored Procedure help if possible

paul.hartland at fsmail.net paul.hartland at fsmail.net
Wed Feb 26 10:57:00 CST 2003

To all,

If you read my first email regarding Stored Procedure's you will know that I am quite a novice at the moment.  I have a table called tblAvailabilityAll which contains fields PayrollNo and an AvailabilityCode.  The Availability codes are A,N,S,H and when an employee leaves, in the first instance we need to update A,N,S,H to 1,2,3,4 accordingly.

Anyone have any idea how to do this within one Stored Procedure (or is it possible in a single Stored Procedure.....???

I would be grateful fr any sample code etc...

Thanks in advance

Paul Hartland

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