[AccessD] Pushing A2K Data to SQL2K - S-L-O-W!:

Stephen Hait shait at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 4 15:24:00 CST 2003

> Stephen,	I probably should not have mentioned Informix! (see my
> other posts) Without a viable ODBC driver for our legacy system, my
> source data will be txt and/or xls files.
> I chose A2K, since I'm already familiar with those.  The learning
> curve seemed too high for DTS scripts/BCP and 'massaging' the data
> in SQL.  My real concern at this point is, does using A2K with an
> ODBC connection doom me to this kind of slow response?  If so I may
> have to 'bite the bullet' and use DTS/BCP, etc.

So you actually are starting with a text file for your source. 
Without knowing more about the details (what format are you 
able to get the text file into, are you manipulating the data in A2K 
prior to loading into SQL2K, etc.) you still have BCP or DTS 
available as options that pull from the text file directly. 
Regardless of how you end up doing things, though, you still 
should look into some quick reusable scripts to drop indexes on 
the target tables before importing and create the indexes once 
the import is complete - that should speed things up no matter 
what route you go.


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