Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Wed Feb 5 15:21:00 CST 2003
Thank you, the first one works , the second one (wherei try to make a field ino autonumber, doesn't) Private Sub Command29_Click() Dim dbDM As Database Dim tbGAP As TableDef Dim fldLoop As Field Set dbDM = CurrentDb Set tbGAP = dbDM.CreateTableDef("Andy") With tbGAP .Fields.Append .CreateField("PriKey", dbInteger) End With dbDM.TableDefs.Append tbGAP End Sub Private Sub Command29_Click() Dim dbDM As Database Dim tbGAP As TableDef Dim fldLoop As Field Set dbDM = CurrentDb Set tbGAP = dbDM.TableDefs("Andy") With tbGAP .Fields.Append .CreateField("PriKey", dbAutonumber) End With dbDM.TableDefs.Append tbGAP End Sub ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Send a Xuppa Valentine to Your Sweetheart today! http://www.xuppa.com/greet/