Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software
bchacc at
Sat Feb 8 10:08:00 CST 2003
I come a bit late to this thread (but that's not new for me). I've tried to follow it but it ain't always been easy. I am using cascade delete in an app for a client who rents audio visual equipment and am wondering if this is good design runs afoul of anybody's catechism on the subject: The Rental Agreement header has one to many relationship with several table : Equipment to be rented (with one-to-one with a CheckIn/CheckOut table) Items sold at retail Labor Sub-Rental Header (with its own detail records might be more - I forget. So in order to delete a rental agreement (which they want to do from time to time) either they have to go in and delete all the detail records first, or I give them cascade delete. They opted for cascade delete. I do give them a very clear warning message about what's going to be deleted and have them confirm. What say you all to this? Rocky Smolin Beach Access Software P.S. I though everybody was used to Colby's rhetorical style by this time. He's been quite - well relatively - civil on this subject. Try him on the phrases 'unbound form' and 'natural key'. From a distance, of course. :) ----- Original Message ----- From: "John W. Colby" <jcolby at> To: <accessd at> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 10:39 AM Subject: RE: [AccessD] Cascade-delete (was: Estimating Help) > Aww grow up guys. > > I never said never. I stated very plainly that if everyone has the right to > delete the records then it doesn't matter. John then states (finally, in > the last email) that this is the case. So it doesn't matter (in this case). > > So where exactly is the beef? > > I don't give a rat's patuty if you turn on cascade delete for every table, > every time, in every database. To search around struggling to find exactly > the instance where it is useful is a waste of everyone's time. If it works > for you, and you don't get fired when records disappear who really cares. > In any event, you can always blame the user after all. "Hey, I warned > them". > > In any case, I certainly don't care, it isn't my database, nor my job on the > line. And I am not getting my users fired for not doing my job correctly. > > Sorry if that was "derisive" but really, look at what I said. I was very > very VERY clear in my statements. And I see no reason to modify any of > them. > > John W. Colby > Colby Consulting > >