[AccessD] ODE VBA Error Handler Crashes Access 2000

Seth Galitzer sgsax at ksu.edu
Tue Feb 18 08:45:00 CST 2003


Nice to see all the suggestions on how to resolve your
crashed-but-not-closed Access problem.  However, nobody seems to have
suggested a solution for the apparent cause of the problem.  Might I
humbly suggest another error handler add-in?  The VBEErrorHandler is the
result of an effort handed down through generations of list members (OK
so it was two other guys and then me).  We have writtan a robust add-in
that works in the VBE window for any Office application.  It is packaged
as a DLL that can be downloaded either from
or my own website, listed in my sig below.

Give it a try.  I think you'll find it more flexible and easier to use
than the add-in you get with the ODE.


On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 17:31, Myke Myers wrote:
> I've been working on an Access 2000 frontend for several hours --
> testing and debugging some reports. I'm in a module looking at a sub
> procedure that I just documented. I decide to add an error handler using
> the ODE tool from the Add Ins list. I ALWAYS save before I run this.
> It crashes Access (happens about once a week). When I open the frontend
> I was working on and try to repair/compact, I get the dreaded 'File is
> locked by user Admin' error.
> I log off Admin and log on again. Open the app, run repair/compact, and
> go back to work.
> No disaster, but 20 - 30 minutes lost. 
> Anyone have any suggestions about 
> (1) why the VBA Error Handler Add-In crashes occasionally, and 
> (2) how to avoid having to log off to correct the 'Locked by Admin'
> error.
> TIA,
> Myke
Seth Galitzer			sgsax at ksu.edu
Computing Specialist		http://puma.agron.ksu.edu/~sgsax
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University

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