Netscape with IE - was RE: [AccessD] New look for ColbyConsulting

Bryan Carbonnell Bryan_Carbonnell at
Thu Feb 20 10:17:27 CST 2003

It doesn't create Flash Centric sites. I think a lot of folks that use DW create Flash centric sites

I use Dreamweaver MX (the newest version) for PHP/MySQL sites and plain HTML sites.

I have yet to use any Flash on my sites.

Bryan Carbonnell
bryan_carbonnell at

>>> BBarabash at 20-Feb-03 11:09:23 AM >>>
I've been reading this thread with great interest.  I was thinking about
investing in Dreamweaver, but it seems to create Flash-centric sites.  I
guess this would make sense since Macromedia owns the technology.  For other
Dreamweaver users out there: Does it offer viable alternatives to using
Flash (e.g. animated GIFs)?

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