Bryan Carbonnell
Bryan_Carbonnell at
Tue Feb 25 09:28:00 CST 2003
Woohoo wasn't what was running througn my brian. "Holy SH*T!!! This is how it works!! [ReallyCensoredStuffDeleted] Now I get it." I may have even mumbled that while on the train this morning. I'm sure I got some pretty interesting looks. I think that this may JUST be the piece of the puzzle that makes it finally click for me. I can't wait until I hop on the train tonight and see if I really DO get it. Bryan Carbonnell bryan_carbonnell at >>> jcolby at 25-Feb-03 9:07:21 AM >>> Woohoo! Once it sinks in that a class can raise an event, suddenly the world opens up. The class can now notify the world that it has finished doing something, that something is available, that it needs attention etc. And you are on your way.