gregg steinbrenner
greggs at
Tue Feb 25 15:27:01 CST 2003
Every time someone makes a change I keep a copy of the old record in a clone table. An example table would look as follows EmpID Name Address Salary DateChanged 102 Gregg 123 Somewhere 50000 1/1/03 102 Gregg 111 Elsewhere 50000 2/2/03 102 Greggs 111 Elsewhere 55000 3/3/03 I would like to create a query (if possible) or code that would create a second table that shows me what field, changed from what, to what, on what day as follows... Field Old Value New Value DateChanged Address 123 Somewhere 111 Elsewhere 2/2/03 Name Gregg Greggs 3/3/03 Salary 50000 55000 3/3/03 Any ideas? Is it possible to do this without listing every field name in the code? Humbly yours, Gregg Steinbrenner