martyconnelly at
Wed Feb 26 14:13:00 CST 2003
256 character limit drive letter + ':' + path and filename + 'null' character = 255 characters. There are some weird Unicode hacks ( by creating files with prefixes) that can create filenames up to 32k long. Some of these were invisible to Virus Scanners at one time. Use the "\\?\" prefix with paths for local storage devices and the "\\?\UNC\" prefix with paths having the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format. The "\\?\" is ignored as part of the path. For example, "\\?\C:\MyDocs\secret" is seen as "C:\MyDocs\secret", and "\\?\UNC\marty\secret\myapps" is seen as "\\UNC\marty\secret\myapps?" Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software wrote: > > Dear List: > > > Does anyone know is there a limit to the length of a path and file > name for a linked table. A client of mine 'seems' to have reached > that limit. A linked table could be opened by a form, but could not > be opened from the database window. Shortening the path and file name > seems to have solved the problem. > > TIA > > Rocky Smolin > Beach Access Software > > >