[AccessD] Message not deliverable

Administrator administrator at it.glasgow.gov.uk
Wed Jan 29 02:57:40 CST 2003

There is a Swedish program called Crash-me that compares databases among 
other things it will produce a table of datatypes and function 
comparisions. Do a google web search for various tables
Here is a japanese one unfortunately true false is a DBCS character

Covers Access SQL MySQL Informix Adbase Oracle and SyBase

dave sharpe wrote:

> I don't use many features within Access so I don't have
> example of all the possible Types, and I've been unable
> to locate a table defining them. My current requirement
> is for Access2000.
> I'm writting a process to copy the contents from one
> MDB to a new copy. I'm reading MSysObjects and
> keying the structure of my copy command from the
> contents of the type field ( see following ) and
> for what I have in my MDB now it seems to work well.
> '==================================================
> Do
> DoIt = False
> AName = Rs!Name
> If Left(AName, 4) <> "MSys" Then
> Select Case Rs!Type
> Case Is = 1
>     TheCopyType = acTable
>     DoIt = True
> Case Is = 5
>     TheCopyType = acQuery
>     DoIt = True
> Case Is = 6
>     TheCopyType = acTable
>     DoIt = True
> Case Is = -32761
>     TheCopyType = acModule
>     DoIt = True
> Case Is = -32764
>     TheCopyType = acReport
>     DoIt = True
> Case Is = -32766
>     TheCopyType = acMacro
>     DoIt = True
> Case Is = -32768
>     TheCopyType = acForm
>     DoIt = True
> End Select
> If DoIt = True Then
>     DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", _
>     "E:\Mine\NewDB.mdb", TheCopyType, AName, AName, True
> End If
> End If
> Rs.MoveNext
> If Rs.EOF Then
> Exit Do
> End If
> ===========================
> It seems to do what I need; but I strongly beleive that
> there are more values for type. I know that the TransferDatabase
> method also supports the following:
> acDataAccessPage
> acServerView
> acDiagram
> acStoredProcedure
> I will appreciate  any information on which Type or Types relate to each ?
> Thanks
> Dave

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