[AccessD] Web form data into Access97

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Jan 30 10:08:00 CST 2003

Hi John

I would leave the web site as it is.
Why not pick the e-mail when it arrives?

Either you can parse it by one of the mail parsers around (do a Google
search) or retrieve and store the mail yourself by a tool like this:


This will neatly put the e-mails into a file system or database


> About two years ago, I wrote a program for our Tourism department that
> tracks their 800 line requests. Their operators type information into
> this program from phone calls, messages, and their web site. They do all
> of this manually, which makes sense for the phone calls, but it seems
> that there should be a way to replace Email with a web form, and have
> that information piped into the program...I'll stop short of saying I
> know there is, because I have absolutely no experience w/this.

> Now, this department is being "taken over" by an "outside"
> agency...budget problems have prompted the removal of a couple of depts.
> and they are being adopted by other sources. This is supposedly a good
> thing for the county, so I was given as a contact to aide in the
> migration...basically just answering questions. I guess my boss has
> setup some sort of support contract w/these folks.

> Back to the actual question...I spoke to the new director of this
> agency, yesterday, and he was surprised that they enter information from
> Email directly. He asked if there wasn't a way to pick the data out of
> the Email and put it into the DB. I told him that, what they should look
> into was to have a form on their website, and this data could be put
> into the DB, w/out human intervention. I did preface this by pointing
> out that I did not know how to do this.

> Is this possible? What does it take? What does it take considering the
> DB is already existant and wasn't programmed for this? Also, they
> currently use FrontPage for their site, which is hosted by an outside
> provider. If it can be done, but not w/FrontPage, I just need to tell
> them this. As it stands now, my involvement ends with a recommendation.
> But, if it is doable, I am thinking of offering my services. It is just
> that I am so busy right now, that I don't want to get in over my head
> either.

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