[AccessD] Label Double-Click event fires two times in a row

Joe Rojas JRojas at tnco-inc.com
Mon Jul 7 12:11:09 CDT 2003

Hi All,

I have a form that has a label on it that I have assigned both a OnClick and
OnDblClick event.
Both of the events are different and are calling two different subs. Below
is the one for the double-click.
The problem is one double-click on the label causes the bottom sub to run
twice! I can't figure out why.
On the first run everything works out well. Once it reaches the Exit Sub
line, it starts all over!

Anyone have a suggestion?

Public Sub DblClickMe(ByVal iLabelNum As Integer)
On Error GoTo DblClickMe_Err
    Dim strHoliday As String
    If Not (IsNull(mavDates(iLabelNum))) Then
        Call SelectDay(("lbl" & CStr(iLabelNum)))
        mrsHoliday.Find "[HDate] = " & mdSelect, , adSearchForward
        If Not (mrsHoliday.EOF) Then
            strHoliday = InputBox("Holiday for " & mdSelect, "Add/Edit
Holiday", mrsHoliday![Holiday])
            If Not (strHoliday = "") Then
                mrsHoliday![Holiday] = strHoliday
                Me("lbl" & iLabelNum).Caption = Day(mdSelect) & vbCrLf &
            End If
            strHoliday = InputBox("Holiday for " & mdSelect, "Add/Edit
            If Not (strHoliday = "") Then
                mrsHoliday![HDate] = mdSelect
                mrsHoliday![Holiday] = strHoliday
                Me("lbl" & iLabelNum).Caption = Day(mdSelect) & vbCrLf &
            End If
        End If
    End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume DblClickMe_Exit

End Sub

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