jcolby at colbyconsulting.com
jcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Jul 14 13:16:56 CDT 2003
I am porting my SysVars class to VB.Net just as an exercise. Of course I use the error handler insertion wizard for Access, but VB.Net has the new Try/catch error handling (which I very much like BTW). But it does mean that no port is trivial since I have to remove all the OnError / resume kind of stuff in every function. In my old code I have a case statement where I accumulated the various errors that could occur, and once handled a resume next would take me back into the code. that obviously has to change but I'm a little confused as to what it will change to. For example I have code that attempts to add an object to a collection: mcolObjNames.Add(strObjName, strObjName) There could be two problems here, the first is that no collection has been instantiated yet, the second is that the object is already in the collection. Thus a select case would be nice, which was how the old error handler in Access worked. Select case err case XXX case YYY Case else end select Now we have: Try mcolObjNames.Add(strObjName, strObjName) Catch e as XXXX (FIRST PROBLEM - WHAT IS xxxx?) Handle error here Finally End Try It certainly looks like e could be used in a select case statement. However to do so I need the equivalent of the "resume next". AND FINALLY... In access I also used a label for the exit such that all exiting code could go through the exit point for cleanup of pointers etc. The books I have don't ever show such a construct. John W. Colby www.colbyconsulting.com