jcolby at colbyconsulting.com
jcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Jul 16 16:10:28 CDT 2003
Does anyone know if email can come from a url that will not display in i.e? IOW, if can I get email from Somebody at mx5.1premio.com if when I put www.mx5.1premio.com I cannot display a page? On the face of it I would think that is possible. A person could set up a web address just to send spam and have no valid web page served up for the url. BTW, an update on SAProxy, the spam filtering program I have been discussing, I have found blacklists out on the web that increase the accuracy of my filtering. I have written a little program to import all the addresses of a blacklist into a table with a unique index on it, then write that table back out to a config file for SpamAssassin. This allows me to accumulate blacklist addresses from published lists while insuring that no blacklist address ever gets looked at more than once. It seems to be working. I'll let you know what the new figures show for filtering, but I am already getting spam removal based on the fact it is in my blacklist. John W. Colby www.colbyconsulting.com