[AccessD] using callback to fill a listbox....HELP! X-posted

David McAfee DMcAfee at haascnc.com
Tue Jul 22 16:13:46 CDT 2003

I have an A2K ADP FE and a SQL 2K BE. 

I have created both DAO and ADO recordsets to read the data from a "temp db"
but I cannot figure out how to assign the listbox's rowsource to that of the
recordset. I was looking at using a callback function to fill the listbox,
but that's causing my hair to fall out :(

I have the following recordset (can switch to ADO if it will be easier),
Where on earth does this go in conjunction with the call back? To I open the
recordset before initializing the callback or during? I believe that I need
to place the open recordset statement inside the acLBInitialize Case then
get the tsTmp.recordcount into a variable

Dim Tmpdb As DAO.Database, rsTmp As DAO.Recordset, intrsTmpCount AS integer
Set Tmpdb = OpenDatabase(Application.CurrentProject.Path &
Set rsTmp = Tmpdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from ""RRentry""  WHERE (ADE <>
If Not rsTmp.BOF And Not rsTmp.EOF Then
   intrsTmpCount= rsTmp.RecordCount
End If

Set rsTmp = Nothing
Set Tmpdb = Nothing

Sample Callback code:

Private Function Fill_lstLI(ctrl As Control, id As Variant, row As Variant,
col As Variant, code As Variant) As Variant

Select Case code
    Case acLBInitialize
        ' Any necessary initialization code goes here.
        ' For example: determine number or rows and number
        ' of columns, save these values in the intRows and
        ' intColumns variables, and re-dimension the Static array
        ' varDisplayData().

            Dim Tmpdb As DAO.Database, rsTmp As DAO.Recordset, intrsTmpCount
As Integer
            Set Tmpdb = OpenDatabase(Application.CurrentProject.Path &
"\TempRRentry.mdb") 'MDB Name was chosen in Function CreateDB
            Set rsTmp = Tmpdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from ""RRentry""
WHERE (ADE <> 3")
            If Not rsTmp.BOF And Not rsTmp.EOF Then
               intrsTmpCount = rsTmp.RecordCount
            End If
            Set rsTmp = Nothing
            Set Tmpdb = Nothing

        Fill_lstLI = 1
    Case acLBOpen ' Generate unique ID for control.
        Fill_lstLI = 1
    Case acLBGetRowCount ' Get number of rows.
        Fill_lstLI = varRecords
    Case acLBGetColumnCount ' Get number of rows.
        Fill_lstLI = Me.lstLineItems.ColumnCount '13
    Case acLBGetColumnWidth ' Column width (In twips).
        ' -1 forces use of default width.
        Fill_lstLI = -1
    Case acLBGetValue ' Get data.
        Fill_lstLI = varRecords(row)
    Case acLBGetFormat
        Fill_lstLI = -1
    Case acLBEnd
        ReDim varRecords(1 To 1)
        'varRecordsCount = -1
End Select

End Function

The recordset pulls back 13 columns which are in the same order as they are
displayed in the listbox from left to right. Is there anyone out there who
has dealt with these beasts that has a bit of time to help me get this
through my thick skull?

David McAfee

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