[AccessD] Breaking the 64k limit on combo boxes

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Jul 8 17:57:00 CDT 2003

On 8 Jul 2003 at 16:25, Drew Wutka wrote:

> I tried to bypass it with code, by filling the combo from a function.  I
> made a table with 100,000 records, and it put 100,000 lines in the combo
> dropdown, without any errors, but it didn't fill anything past 64k. 
>  I also
> tried to 'trick' it, by only filling a few lines, and then try to get it
> to 'slide' the source, but that didn't work either.  I think the only
> option would be to build a combo box window, don't know how affective that
> would be though....

One problem is that scroll bars only supports 16-bit values for  
%SB_THUMBPOSITION  and %SB_THUMBTRACK, so any list/combo box using a 
standard scrollbar control will still have a 64K limit.  

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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