[AccessD] Access to SQL Server - no changes

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sat Jul 12 01:15:58 CDT 2003

On 11 Jul 2003 at 9:45, Hollis,Virginia wrote:

> I have an Access 2K database with tables linked to SQL Server so I can
> create some custom reports. The problem is I can't change the data in the
> tables from Access. Why? Is there a setting that will allow editing of the
> data or will it always be locked? I receive the error message that the data
> is being edited by another user.
> Virginia

When youi linked to the table, did you define which field was the 
uinque identifier. If you don't do so, you get this (inaccurate) 
error message.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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