Terri Jarus
jarus at amerinet-gpo.com
Tue Jun 10 10:24:54 CDT 2003
I have data that I have imported into my database into a table named ImportTbl. I will be doing this quarterly - and each time this happens the field names get changed around a little bit by the person submitting the data. For example, they might call the field Q1 Sales and then the next time Q2 Sales - which isn't too bad, but then there are other fields like Hospital Name, they might call Facility Name. I want to transfer the data from the ImportTbl to another table that I have established generic field names - such as Sales, Name, etc. I then have set up queries, reports etc, based on this table (UpdateTbl). What is the best way to do this programmatically? Thanks for any help on this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individuals or entities to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please return it to the sender, and erase any copies thereof. Copyright 2003 Amerinet 1nc.