Wortz, Charles
CWortz at tea.state.tx.us
Wed Jun 11 08:40:26 CDT 2003
Teri, Does the .ldb exist? If it does, then one of the users probably made an abnormal exit that does not delete them from the .ldb and thus Access still thinks it is in use. When this happens I find either of these two methods usually work. Delete the .ldb file directly. Or open the Access app and close it. But if the .mdb has been corrupted, then neither of these methods may work. Charles Wortz Software Development Division Texas Education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701-1494 512-463-9493 CWortz at tea.state.tx.us -----Original Message----- From: Terri Jarus [mailto:jarus at amerinet-gpo.com] Sent: Wednesday 2003 Jun 11 06:59 To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com Subject: [AccessD] Database in Use I'm trying to run some code in an AXP database and get the error: "Could not use db1.mdb; file already in use." I have the database opened exclusively. I can run everything fine in A97. Here's code attached to the command button: Private Sub cmdSelect_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdSelect_Click DoCmd.SetWarnings (False) DoCmd.OpenQuery "DelTbls" DoCmd.SetWarnings (True) ListAvailableTables ("U:\Suppliers\Pepsi\amerinet.mdb") lstTableNames.Requery MsgBox "Double Click on Table to Import." Exit_cmdSelect_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdSelect_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdSelect_Click End Sub ListAvailableTables is a module. If someone needs to see that, I can send offline or post here. Any ideas? This AXP is driving me crazy - so many things I did OK in 97 I run into problems with in XP. Thanks for any help. Terri Jarus Director, Contract Support Services jarus at amerinet-gpo.com 314-542-1902