[AccessD] Update query syntax

Kathryn Bassett kathryn at bassett.net
Thu Jun 19 23:30:16 CDT 2003

I've never been able to figure how how to use the query builder. If I click on IIF and then click on Mid$, I get:
IIf («expr», «truepart», «falsepart») «Expr» Mid$ («stringexpr», «start», «length») 

Now, I know I have to replace things like «expr» and «truepart» etc, but I don't know how to go from there.
I can't figure out how this:
"iif(mid$(attend,1, instr(Attend,"=") +1  ) = '35'"
fits in.
Which part is the expression, which is the truepart and which is the falsepart, etc.

I'd probably understand it better with a SQL statement, but...

I don't need anything as complicated for updating the Attend35, as all I have to do is put a 1 in the "update to" box. And when I do the 35=2, I'll put a 2 in. They won't have both, so don't need to worry about overwriting.

Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA)
"Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap"
kathryn at bassett.net

> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of dave sharpe
> Sent: 19 Jun 2003 4:57:PM
> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Update query syntax
> Kathryn
> I nomally use the query builder. If I read your request
> correctly,I'd use something like
> "iif(mid$(attend,1, instr(Attend,"=") +1  ) = '35'"
> as your condition and
> something like  "val(mid$(Attend,instr(Attend,"=") +1 , 1 )"
> as your replace statement for Attend35 
> Dave
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Kathryn Bassett 
> To: dbAdvisors (AccessD) 
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:51 PM
> Subject: [AccessD] Update query syntax
> I have a field called Attend that is text 100 in length. I've added new fields called 
> Attend25, Attend35 etc and made then all long integers with zero decimal places. (The 
> numbers will only be one digit as it is usually just one or two people.)
> We'll use the 35th for the example of what I want to do. I know there is a way using 
> the queries, to take the contents of Attend, and put it in Attend35. Before I just 
> try to muddle though it, I thought I'd find out if there is a way to do it thusly:
> Current sample of Attend is:
> 35=2 30b=2 30a=2 25=2
> If Attend contains "35=1" then put a 1 in Attend35 or if Attend contains "35=2" then 
> put a 2 in Attend35
> So, what would my query look like to do that?
> --
> Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA)
> "Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap"
> kathryn at bassett.net
> http://bassett.net  
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