[AccessD] Copy and paste from clipboard

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Fri Jun 20 16:56:12 CDT 2003

On 20 Jun 2003 at 17:03, Mark Boyd wrote:

> This may seem like a strange request, but I've been asked by my boss to
> check with this list.
> She has a process that exports a 1-record table to a text file.  This
> text file is then imported into a client's billing system.
> Currently, she is using 'DoCmd.TransferText, acExportDelim ...' to
> create the text file.  The problem comes about when the other system
> tries to read the text file.  It kicks back an error stating that it
> can't find the end-of-file.
> Although, when she simply copies the text from the table, then pastes it
> into a text file, the client's system imports it without a problem.
> Is there a way (in code) to copy the data from the table to the
> clipboard, then paste it from the clipboard to a text file?

Why not just do something like the following: 
(Change the "," to Chr$(9) for Tab delimited)

Dim strExport as String
Dim rs as Recordset
Dim loopcount as long
Dim NoOfFields as long

Set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("tblSimgleRecordTable")

NoOfFields = rs.Fields.Count

'Build comma delimited export string
For loopcount = 0 to NoOfFields  - 2
  strExport  =  strExport & rs(loopcount) & "," 
strExport = strExport & rs(NoOfFields) - 1)

Open "transferfile.txt" for output as #1
Print#1, strExport
Close #1

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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