Henry Simpson
hsimpson88 at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 1 12:37:01 CST 2003
I always used the old metal chains and only ever needed them for trailer towing in the mountains in severe winter conditions. Put them on driving through the western USA to Mexico in the late 60's or early 70's. Maximum speed was only about 20 kph or they would tear apart the inside of the wheel wells. Still, better than spending the night on the road. You give good advice and I'd like to add that a cell phone can be a life saver. I often drove in -40 weather in Northern Alberta. The distance between towns like Wandering River and Ft. McMurray is 63 miles and until recently it was a no shoulder two lane. Not one farm or building or human habitation of any kind between these and many other points. I never needed it to get help for myself or others but it is a potential emergency response time life saver. What kills in winter driving is excessive speed. The biggest factors are visibility (worst chain reaction accidents in history are due to sand storms, fog and blowing snow), and traction. When visiblity goes down, and it also goes down due to uncleared or fogged windows (Windows may have flaws but we can't blame Microsoft for these), then many people drive too fast for the conditions and they overreact when they abruptly encounter a situation and their vehicle can not respond adequately with the reduced traction and warning time. If you don't want to be hit, please make sure you have your lights on even during daylight. The other drivers are often too lazy to clear his windows of ice or fog. Highbeams mostly light up fog and blowing snow and reduce a driver's ability to see a distance but low beams and tail lights are important and let others see you. Hen >From: MartyConnelly <martyconnelly at shaw.ca> >Reply-To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com >To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com >Subject: Re: [AccessD] OT Friday: Ice Adventure! >Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 09:39:42 -0800 > >Doesn't anyone use tire chains anymore, they have quick strap ons now, not >the old leather belt >strap ons. They won't let you over some passes at times in washington state >without them. >Worthwhile in winter to keep a set in the trunk, along with a big bag of >kitty litter, shovel,space blankets and a couple of candles. >Kitty litter provides better traction than salt (salt only works at certain >temperatures) and a 30 lb bag >gives a little extra rearend traction. Candles (windows cranked down >slightly) when lit will keep the internal heat in a car slightly above >freezing even at 30 below so you don't have to run out of gas keeping the >car heated or even worse if the exhaust gets plugged by snow. _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail