[AccessD] more on printing

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Mon Mar 3 15:01:01 CST 2003

On Ken Getz's site http://www.mcwtech.com
 try these two methods
I used a variation on these to scan through all reports and identify 
what the original  code was
calling or had setup as a printer attached to ther report. I have an mdb 
that does this somewhere.

Under Publications Download

DefaultPRT.ZIP, a sample Access 97 project for changing your default 
printer at runtime. If you're printing, and want to change the output 
device simply, this code is for you.
Download a replacement for Ch10.MDB (Access 97 Developer's Handbook) 
containing the full set of forms (missing from the book's CD).

Or you can try this alternate from
 Albert D. Kallal (kallal at msn.com)  Printer settings in mde  

While you can't change the printer settings in a MDE, you actually don't
want to store the printer with report anyway. In other words, you should NOT
be storing the printer name with the report.

If you leave all reports with NO printer name, then simple solution becomes
to change the current windows default printer. The following code will do
just that. This code is minimal, and is smaller than the daily FAQ posted in
this newsgroup. Just paste the following into a module.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' Printer setup module
' Set/retrieves the default printer - originaly for VB6
' Works for A97/a2000
' This is minimal code.
' Albert D.Kallal - 01/13/2002, kallal at msn.com
' Rev history:       Date           Who                   notes
'                    01/13/2002     Albert D. kallal
' I wrote this after looking at some the code on the net. Some of the 
' to change a printer were approaching 500 + of lines of code. Just the 
' constant defs was over 100 lines of code! Yikes! (not mention the 
whole thing being
' 4 or more modules! How in heck is one supposed to add a simple printer 
change to
' ones app? The solution is below!

' In addition the code on dev's site has some bugs, and will cause 
windows to show
' *more* than one printer as the default. This is especially noticeable 
on windows ME. The
' code here does NOT have this problem.
'  I have not had time to clean this code up...it is "as is"

' I use only TWO API's (the 3rd one is optional). There is a total of 
only 4 functions!
' KISS is the word. Keep it simple stupid. I don't care about device 
drivers, or the
' port number. All these routines just work with the simple printer 
name. If you do
' actually care about the device driver and port stuff..then use the one 
of many
' examples available on the net. Those other examples also deal with 
margins, orientation
' etc.
' You can paste this code into a module..and away you go
' How to use
' To get the default printer
'        debug.print   GetDefaultPrinter
' To set the default printer
'        debug.print SetDefaultPrinter("HP Laser JET")
'  above returns true if success.
' To get a list of printers suitable for a listbox, or combo
'        debug.print GetPrinters (in forms on-load event you
'        would use:
'        Me.Combo0.RowSource = GetPrinters
'         Me.Combo0 = GetDefaultPrinter
'        the first line loads up the combo box, the 2nd sets
'        the combo to the default.
' that is all there folks!
' Thus, when printing a report, you can:
'       1) save the default printer into a string
'              strCurrentPtr = GetDefaultPrinter
'       2) switch to your report printer
'              SetDefaultPrinter strReportsPtr
'       3) print report
'       4) switch back to the default printer
'              SetDefaultPrinter strCurrentPtr

Private Const HWND_BROADCAST As Long = &HFFFF&
Private Const WM_WININICHANGE As Long = &H1A

' The following code allows one to read, and write to the WIN.INI files
' In win 2000 the printer settings are actually in the registry. 
However, windows
' handles this correctly
Private Declare Function GetProfileString Lib "kernel32" _
   Alias "GetProfileStringA" _
  (ByVal lpAppName As String, _
   ByVal lpKeyName As String, _
   ByVal lpDefault As String, _
   ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
   ByVal nSize As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function WriteProfileString Lib "kernel32" _
   Alias "WriteProfileStringA" _
  (ByVal lpszSection As String, _
   ByVal lpszKeyName As String, _
   ByVal lpszString As String) As Long

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
   Alias "SendMessageA" _
  (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
   ByVal wMsg As Long, _
   ByVal wParam As Long, _
   lparam As Any) As Long

Private Function fstrDField(mytext As String, delim As String, groupnum 
As Integer) As String

   ' this is a standard delimiter routine that every developer I know has.
   ' This routine has a million uses. This routine is great for splitting up
   ' data fields, or sending multiple parms to a openargs of a form
   '  Parms are
   '        mytext   - a delimited string
   '        delim    - our delimiter (usually a , or / or a space)
   '        groupnum - which of the delimited values to return

Dim startpos As Integer, endpos As Integer
Dim groupptr As Integer, chptr As Integer

chptr = 1
startpos = 0
 For groupptr = 1 To groupnum - 1
    chptr = InStr(chptr, mytext, delim)
    If chptr = 0 Then
       fstrDField = ""
       Exit Function
       chptr = chptr + 1
    End If
 Next groupptr
startpos = chptr
endpos = InStr(startpos + 1, mytext, delim)
If endpos = 0 Then
   endpos = Len(mytext) + 1
End If

fstrDField = Mid$(mytext, startpos, endpos - startpos)

End Function

Function SetDefaultPrinter(strPrinterName As String) As Boolean

   Dim strDeviceLine As String
   Dim strBuffer     As String
   Dim lngbuf        As Long

  ' get the full device string
   strBuffer = Space(1024)
   lngbuf = GetProfileString("PrinterPorts", strPrinterName, "", 
strBuffer, Len(strBuffer))

  'Write out this new printer information in
  ' WIN.INI file for DEVICE item
  If lngbuf > 0 Then

     strDeviceLine = strPrinterName & "," & _
                     fstrDField(strBuffer, Chr(0), 1) & "," & _
                     fstrDField(strBuffer, Chr(0), 2)

     Call WriteProfileString("windows", "Device", strDeviceLine)
     SetDefaultPrinter = True

     ' Below is optional, and should be done. It updates the existing 
     ' so the "default" printer icon changes. If you don't do the 
     ' you will often see more than one printer as the default! The 
reason *not*
     ' to do the SendMessage is that many open applications will now 
sense the change
     ' in printer. I vote to leave it in..but your case you might not 
want this.

     Call SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 0, ByVal "windows")

     SetDefaultPrinter = False
  End If

End Function

Function GetDefaultPrinter() As String

   Dim strDefault    As String
   Dim lngbuf        As Long

   strDefault = String(255, Chr(0))
   lngbuf = GetProfileString("Windows", "Device", "", strDefault, 
   If lngbuf > 0 Then
      GetDefaultPrinter = fstrDField(strDefault, ",", 1)
      GetDefaultPrinter = ""
   End If

End Function

Function GetPrinters() As String

   ' this routine returns a list of printers, separated by
   ' a ";", and thus the results are suitable for stuffing into a combo box

   Dim strBuffer  As String
   Dim strOnePtr  As String
   Dim intPos     As Integer
   Dim lngChars   As Long

   strBuffer = Space(2048)
   lngChars = GetProfileString("PrinterPorts", vbNullString, "", 
strBuffer, Len(strBuffer))

   If lngChars > 0 Then
      intPos = InStr(strBuffer, Chr(0))
     Do While intPos > 1
        strOnePtr = Left(strBuffer, intPos - 1)
        strBuffer = Mid(strBuffer, intPos + 1)
        If GetPrinters <> "" Then GetPrinters = GetPrinters & ";"
        GetPrinters = GetPrinters & strOnePtr
        intPos = InStr(strBuffer, Chr(0))
      GetPrinters = ""
   End If

 End Function

Public Function testPrintersGet()

   Debug.Print GetDefaultPrinter
   Debug.Print GetPrinters

End Function


Susan Harkins wrote:

>I didn't know that -- that's kind of a problem, isn't it? ;) But, if the
>Page Setup dialog is available to the user, it kind of negates the need to
>customize the process anyway -- I would think for most apps anyway. It's
>good to know though -- thanks Charlotte.
>Some of us are API challenged -- in my case that's a euphemism for lazy. :)
>Susan H.
>>In case you haven't discovered it, using page setup will set the
>>PrtDevMode and override you report.Printer settings. Not only that, it
>>appears to override the report.PrtDevMode settings as well.   We gave up
>>on the Printer and PrtDevMode methods and went back to API calls.
>>Charlotte Foust

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