[AccessD] Access XP and 97 hang on reattaching linked tablesunder WinXP

Charlotte Foust cfoust at infostatsystems.com
Tue Mar 4 10:24:00 CST 2003

In our case, we aren't using Novell, and we're seeing the problem
relinking to a local back end in the same folder as the FE.  We can't
rewrite all our apps, especially when we don't know what the problem
really is.  This stuff has been a gradual migration from the earliest
versions of Access, and my bosses don't want to have to go through and
try and change every DAO declaration to specify the DAO model so we
could use and ADO relink instead.

Charlotte Foust

-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Galitzer [mailto:sgsax at ksu.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:13 AM
To: accessd
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Access XP and 97 hang on reattaching linked
tablesunder WinXP


We've been experiencing something like this as well.  I start the app
which launches the autolinker.  Since the autolinker is especially slow
on restoring connections to my BE that sits on my Novell server, I will
click to another app while I wait.  It almost invariably ends up locking
the Access app.  The only thing that restores the system to a usable
state is to forcibly close Access.  I've tried looking through the code,
but there's nothing obvious (to me at least) in there that would cause
this to happen.

Relinking to a BE on Novell is panifully slow even on Win98 machines. 
I've tried optimizing it, but it still takes up to four seconds for each
table on Win98, and even longer on 2K or XP machines.  Unfortunately,
the problem doesn't appear to be the relinker itself.  Using the
built-in Linked Table Manager is still painfully slow.  As a result I am
"this close" to moving everything to a real database server and using
ODBC.  Of course, ODBC is likely to introduce its own performance hit.

I would love to have a discussion on this topic.


On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 16:38, Charlotte Foust wrote:
> We're beating our heads against this one.  Under certain specific 
> circumstances, both Access XP and 97 will hang running under WinXP.  
> The circumstances are that Outlook is running (either 2000 or XP) and 
> you toggle to the Outlook application during a portion of the 
> operation when Access is trying to reattach files using an instance of

> the current database opened in a second DAO workspace.  I'm trying to 
> track down anything on this problem and haven't had much luck.  There 
> are articles about the ODBC drivers in multithreaded environments, but

> they seem to apply more to SQL Server links and are supposed to be 
> fixed by the latest installation of Jet 4.x.  Not on my machine, they 
> aren't.
> Does anyone have any more information on this issue?  We're also 
> getting reported hangs after an email is sent by our application on a 
> client's WinXP machine, but we haven't been able to replicate that.  
> The primary suspect in both cases is Outlook, even though we use the 
> Redemption library to bypass the direct MAPI calls.
> Suggestions?
> Charlotte Foust
Seth Galitzer			sgsax at ksu.edu
Computing Specialist		http://puma.agron.ksu.edu/~sgsax
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University

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