Francisco H Tapia
my.lists at
Tue Mar 4 17:21:00 CST 2003
Doesn't look like anybody is going to bite so here is more I found out... after scouring the web, I found some positive links to a possible solution. The answer was in a demo called "ACCESSRECOVERY" there is a full pay version that will extract the entire database, but here in lies the hint... /quote Advanced DAO commands /end quote so, the trick would be to use a DAO connection into the old db and try for a standard copy the table commands...right? btw I did try the demo which DID restore the first few lines of data of each table, and replacing the rest of the rows with the word *demo* :D -Francisco ----- Original Message ----- From: "Francisco H Tapia" <my.lists at> To: "AccessD" <accessD at> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 10:36 AM Subject: [AccessD] Database in an Unexpected state..., or Calling all DB minds, we have a suspect database... : : A little background... : : : : The client is not mine (honestly he's not). A client of my brother in : law, : : who has a networking company, "had" a database who was built in Access : 2000. : : It was not broken up into the FE/BE method, instead each user (4 users in : : all) had a link to the database and worked that way... I don't know the SR : : version of Access or the SP's of their Windows OSes... :( sorry. Anyhow, : : One Fine day (Saturday) the owner of the db went to open it from his : machine : : when it suddenly crashed. He called on my Brother in law to fix his PC : and : : get his database up and running the "EXACT" error word for word is this... : : : : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : : Microsoft Access : : ------------------ : : This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft Access can't open it. : : : : This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access : by : : using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database : command : : on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu). This has left the : database : : in a partially converted state. : : : : If you have a copy of the database in its original format, use the Convert : : Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu) to convert : : it. If the original database is no longer available, create a new : database : : and import your tables and queries to preserve your data. Your other : : database objects can't be recovered. : : : : [OK] : : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : : so what did we try?, : : 1) /decompile (not successful) : : 2) could not repair and compact from inside access because of the above : : error : : 3) jetcomp 4 utility (not successful) : : 4) attempted to open it w/ AccessXP (curtesy of William), (Not successful) : : 5) /repair from the command line (idea from John Colby) (Not successful). : : : : While the Database has now been restored from over 3 days ago (Wednesday : : last week) I realize restoring this copy of the database seems moot, but : in : : many ways perhaps not... I'd like to know the solution in case I ever run : : into it again... : : : : : : -Francisco : : : : : : : : : _______________________________________________ : AccessD mailing list : AccessD at : : Website: :