[AccessD] Iterating Controls

Arthur Fuller artful at rogers.com
Sun Mar 9 13:49:00 CST 2003

I have a lot of other things on my mind today, and clearly I am now dazed
and confused, and no doubt overlooking something very obvious. Here is the
current code:


Public Sub ListDataSources()

    On Error Resume Next


    Dim strOutFile As String

    Dim fs As Object

    Dim a As Object

    Dim frm As Form

    Dim ctl As Control

    Dim objFrm As Object


    strOutFile = "c:\RecordSources.txt"

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(strOutFile, True)


    Application.Echo False


    For Each objFrm In CurrentProject.AllForms

        DoCmd.OpenForm objFrm.name, acDesign

        Set frm = Forms(objFrm.name)

        If frm.RecordSource <> "" Then

            Debug.Print objFrm.name & ": " & frm.RecordSource

            a.writeline "Form: " & objFrm.name

            a.writeline "==========================================="

            a.writeline "RecordSource:"

            a.writeline frm.RecordSource


            a.writeline "Data Driven Controls"

            a.writeline "--------------------"


            For Each ctl In frm.Controls

                Select Case ctl.Properties("ControlType")

                    Case acComboBox                             '111

                        Debug.Print ctl.name & ": Combo Box"

                        Debug.Print ctl.RowSource

                        a.writeline "Control: " & ctl.name

                        a.writeline "RowSource:"

                        a.writeline ctl.RowSource


                    Case acListBox                              '110

                        Debug.Print ctl.name & ": List Box"

                        Debug.Print ctl.RowSource

                        a.writeline "Control: " & ctl.name

                        a.writeline "RowSource:"

                        a.writeline ctl.RowSource

                    Case Else

                        'do nothing

                        'Debug.Print "Ignoring " & ctl.name

                End Select


            Next ctl

        End If

        Set frm = Nothing

        DoCmd.Close acForm, objFrm.name, acSaveNo




    Application.Echo True

    Set frm = Nothing

    Set fs = Nothing

    Set a = Nothing

    Set ctl = Nothing


 End Sub


The odd thing is that the debug window performs exactly as expected, but the
text file contains only this:

Form: Switchboard



Select * From dbo.Switchboard_Items_2002Dec02


Data Driven Controls



I can't see why the debug.print statements dump what I want but the
a.writeline statement don't.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-admin at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-admin at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Shamil
Sent: March 9, 2003 1:07 PM
To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Iterating Controls


> But I'm not sure what.



You open a form but don't assign an object variable referring to this open
form instance - something like that should work:


dim efrm as AccessObject

dim frm as Access.Form



for each efrm in CurrentProject.AllForms


      DoCmd.OpenForm efrm.name, acDesign

      set frm=Forms(efrm.name)


next efrm





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