paul.hartland at
paul.hartland at
Mon Mar 10 02:55:00 CST 2003
Stephen, Think it's something like DoCmd.Transfertext, look up in access help for more Info, I can't recall off-hand what the various parts are. Sorry. Paul From: Stephen Bond <stephen at> Date: Mon 10/Mar/2003 03:28 GMT To: accessd at Subject: [AccessD] DoCmd or RunCommand ? What is the DAO syntax to do the equivalent menu command : File > Export > (WordMerge type and filename) TIA Stephen Bond Otatara, South Island, New Zealand * tel 03 213 1256 fax 03 213 0123 __________________________________________________________________________ Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month for your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £14.99 a month after that. For more information visit or call free on 0800 970 8890