[AccessD] Set Focus On Control When Validation Fails

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Mon Mar 10 10:15:00 CST 2003


My result is weirder than yours.  I have seven fields I put the validation
code into the BeforeUpdate event (no need for .SetFocus, because the focus
*in theory* never goes away from the control).

I have a bunch of validation tests in a function:

Private Sub txtBarCodePrefix_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    If ValidationTests = False Then Cancel = True
End Sub

Works on three, fails on four.  And I can't see ANY differences between the
three that work and the four that don't.  Could it be timing problem in the
event sequence?  Maybe I'll try putting a delay loop in the BeforeUpdate
event, see if that changes anything.

Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Clark" <John.Clark at niagaracounty.com>
To: <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Set Focus On Control When Validation Fails

> How weird...I am working on the exact same problem. I noticed that a
> program that I am about to roll out accepts any date, in the many date
> fields. Some of the dates need to be later than others that are there
> (for instance, there is a "Sent to Sheriff" field, and a "Returned from
> Sheriff" field, and you cannot receive it before it is sent).
> I used the code:
> If datFromSheriff.Value < datToSheriff.Value Then
>     MsgBox "This date cannot be previous to the Sent to Sheriff Date",
> vbOKOnly, "Date Error"
>     datFromSheriff = ""
>     datFromSheriff.SetFocus
> End If
> And I have tried it in the "On Lost Focus", "On Change" (stupid),
> "Before Update" (there now), and "After Update" events, but none worked.
> It actually worked with "Lost Focus" but the SetFocus did not...it went
> to the next field in the tab order.
> Did you get this working?
> John Clark
> >>> bchacc at san.rr.com 03/09/03 01:45PM >>>
> Dear List
> I have a couple of simple validation tests:
>     If Not IsNumeric(Nz(txtStartingRoomNumber)) Then
>         MsgBox "Starting Room Number Must Be Numeric.", vbExclamation
>         txtStartingRoomNumber.SetFocus
>         Exit Sub
>     End If
>     If Val(Nz(txtStartingRoomNumber)) > 9999999 Then
>         MsgBox "Starting Room Number Must Be Less Than 7 Digits.",
> vbExclamation
>         txtStartingRoomNumber.SetFocus
>         Exit Sub
>     End If
> in the AfterUpdate event of txtStartingRoomNumber.  But the SetFocus
> does not work.  The focus ends up being set on the next control in the
> tab sequence.  I tried the tests in the Lost Focus event with the same
> result.
> I know there must be a simple way to return the focus to the control
> but I can't see it. (Maybe I shouldn't work on Sunday but the kids are
> in Sunday school and it's quiet.) :)
> Rocky Smolin
> Beach Access Software
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