[AccessD] Painted into a corner...ORDER BY Solved

John Clark John.Clark at niagaracounty.com
Thu Mar 13 10:14:00 CST 2003

Yes, you are absolutely correct. But, I was concentrating on the query
first, and didn't worry about the report until afterwards, so I needed
this for my tests. I then copied my SQL code into the datasource of the
report...and...to behonest, I still forgot to remove the ORDER BY
statement, so it remains in there for now.

Thanks for your help...I am a little less leary of crosstabs now, due
to your help!

John W Clark

>>> BBarabash at tappeconstruction.com 03/13/03 09:37AM >>>
If you are using the query as a report recordsource, your ORDER BY
has absolutely no effect.  Report sorting is handled by the Sorting &
Grouping dialog in Report design view.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark [mailto:John.Clark at niagaracounty.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:29 AM
To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com 
Subject: [AccessD] Painted into a corner...ORDER BY Solved

I no sooner sent this out, and I got a brainstorm (Ow! My head hurts,
now. Must rest). I changed the Union query's SQL from:

SELECT Findings, Count
FROM qryFindingsCntByPeriod 
UNION SELECT txtResultSpec, Count
FROM qryCountsOne
UNION SELECT txtResult, Count
FROM qryCountsTwo;


SELECT Findings, Count, "3" AS tag
FROM qryFindingsCntByPeriod 
UNION SELECT txtResultSpec, Count, "1" AS tag
FROM qryCountsOne
UNION SELECT txtResult, Count, "2" AS tag
FROM qryCountsTwo

This allowed me to dictate the order in the query, and thusly in the
report. I actually have about the same result that I had a couple of
days ago, but it is down to one query and a single report (i.e. no

John W Clark
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