Ron Allen
chizotz at
Wed Mar 19 11:34:01 CST 2003
WH> ...Warning! ...the Small Business Server list is reporting some instances of WH> failed server/client reboots and trashed drives after applying the MS WinDav WH> patch :(((( WH> ...if you're not running IIS, you might want to hold off on applying the WH> patch until MS gets it right :((( Hello William, I would like more information on this. I have lost two machines, totally unbootable, in the past week or so. One was my development machine running WindowsXP and the desktop edition of IIS was, I'm almost certain, running too. The other machine was a Windows ME backup box, though, and I don't think it had even the desktop version of IIS running but I'm not certain of that. Would this problem affect machines under those circumstances do you know? I can't find anything about this on the MS site (yet). Please contact me off-list if you feel this is too far off-topic. chizotz at Thanks for any further information, Ron