[AccessD] Using Global Connections

Mark L. Breen subs at solution-providers.ie
Thu Mar 20 15:09:01 CST 2003

Hello John,

I am glad to hear that I am on the right track anyway.  The reason that I
asked the question was that I noticed a few people referring to globals
recently.  Also, I have been reading a bit about them and the author was
complaining about globals.  But, as we are both agreed, for a global
constant connection, there is a lot of upside and very little downside to
using one.  I had considered using a class and setting properties, bit
again, that is only really complictating it further.  However, I could make
it a read only class, and that would have some benefit, or I could do as you
do and use a function.

Based on the fact that I am the programmer, nobody else is going to mess
with my global variable, I can probably continue to use a normal global and
pass it around.

I am reading with interest your migration to .net, I am about to start the
same thing myself in the next few weeks.

If I have anything to post, I will.

I think that everybody on the list should let each other know if we come
across any good reading material, especially online / free stuff.

Thanks to all for the feedback on the globals.

Best Regards

Mark L. Breen
Solution Providers

----- Original Message -----
From: "John W. Colby" <jcolby at colbyconsulting.com>
To: <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Using Global Connections

> Mark,
> I also use globals for the db connection.  This is a case where the
> connection is specific, a penalty is paid for creating / deleting it, and
> is needed all over the app.  The connection is not something that is going
> to be updated (written to) by pieces of the application, it is going to be
> created once and then used all over.  That is a good candidate for a
> Globals tend to cause problems when they are *updated* from all over the
> place, and the reason is that is quite difficult to track down who is
> the updating when it is incorrectly updated.  If for example a serial port
> is opened and closed by 10 different functions, one function tries to use
> the serial port and it is closed.  Who closed it?  It's supposed to be
> opened, but some process closed it unexpectedly.  These kinds of problems
> can be a real bear to track down and fix.
> It becomes a bigger problem if the system is written and maintained by a
> team of programmers where nobody knows the whole story.  Globals by
> definition are available to anyone at any time.
> Scope exists for a reason.  If a variable is only used by a specific
> function, then it's variables have no business being global to the program
> (or even the module).  If a variable is only used by code inside an
> of a class but needs to be accessed by several functions inside the class,
> then it should be defined inside the class (in the header) as a PRIVATE
> variable.  Thus only code inside the class can modify the variable.  If a
> variable needs to be shared by many functions inside of a module, but only
> these functions modify the variable, then the variable should be PRIVATE
> that module.  By making any of these variables truly Global to the
> you end up with things being (able to be) set by code that has no business
> setting the variable.
> On the other hand, if as in your example, a database connection is needed,
> and a function calls a function which calls a function, which needs that
> connection, why pass the connection through 3 functions that don't even
> the connection simply so that the fourth function that does need it can
> access to the connection?
> In a case like this, I tend to make the connection a private variable
> a module, with a function that initializes the variable when the db opens,
> and then define a function that READS the connection variable and returns
> the value.  This in effect makes it read only.  Anyone can call the
> that gets the value, but since the variable is PRIVATE to the module, no
> outside the module can write to it.
> John W. Colby
> Colby Consulting
> www.ColbyConsulting.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-admin at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-admin at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Mark L. Breen
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 12:37 PM
> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Using Global Connctions
> Hello All,
> I was not aware that a previous debate (sounds a little heated) had been
> already carried out.  Sorry for duplicating the discussion.
> In the last few emails, Marcus was the only one that explicitly stated
> he likes the idea of using Globals for a db connection.
> So leaving aside passing around an order nunber or a customer id as a
> (which I would never even consider), what do you guys do to hand around a
> database connection?  Do you use Globals or do you make the connction each
> time or do you use some kind of class.  Any sample code would be
> to read.
> What I do is have the following code in a module
> ' This will be the global connection that we will share, we open it once
> only and share it throughout the applications life
> Global gccnn As New ADODB.Connection
> Global Const gcstrConStr As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated
> Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=spps40;Data
> Source=PC1"
> and then in the first form_load I have
>     ' Give it a connect string
>     gccnn.ConnectionString = gcstrConStr
>     ' And make the connection
>     gccnn.Open
> What do you guys think of this strategy, should I use a class to pass it
> around.  And if I am not using a class, do you think that it is a little
> untidy or is downright bad practice.
> Again, I am just curious what the rest of the world is doing in their
> Thanks
> Mark
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