Wortz, Charles
CWortz at tea.state.tx.us
Mon Mar 31 13:53:31 CST 2003
Charlotte, DDL - Data Definition Language; define tables, fields, etc. DML - Data Manipulation Language; Select, Update, etc. So if you are creating recordsets, then DAO and ADO are comparable to DDL. If you are selecting or updating data, then DAO and ADO are comparable to DML. Which is your discussion about? Charles Wortz Software Development Division Texas Education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701-1494 512-463-9493 CWortz at tea.state.tx.us -----Original Message----- From: Charlotte Foust [mailto:cfoust at infostatsystems.com] Sent: Monday 2003 Mar 31 13:43 To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com Subject: RE: [AccessD] SQL vs DAO -- rattling cages Actually, we're talking about SQL DDL as opposed to manipulating objects with DAO or ADO. Charlotte Foust -----Original Message----- From: Francisco H Tapia [mailto:my.lists at verizon.net] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 10:58 AM To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com Subject: Re: [AccessD] SQL vs DAO -- rattling cages Speaking MDB's, and SQL as in SQL code, then you're tapping the JET engine in all 3 cases be it by query or 2 diffrent forms of code. When access an MDB via code, DAO is always faster, but ADO is more suitable if you will also be tapping into other data stores such as SQL Server or Oracle. In reguards to database bloat, an MDB will bloat because of the required database space to store a temporary file be it sql or code. IF you mean SQL as in SQL Server, then the advantages are many, but one that comes to mind is the tempdb which is very useful because it holds all the data temorarily when using groupby's or order by's in your SQL code, of course you can't access this via DAO unless of course you have the table linked to a MDB. -Francisco http://rcm.netfirms.com On Monday, March 31, 2003 9:26 AM [GMT-8], Susan Harkins <harkins at iglou.com> wrote: : Charlotte and I are having a brief discussion off list of how SQL can : solve some bloat problems. Now, I find SQL superior to DAO/ADO almost : everytime and would rather work in SQL if given the choice. However, : I have seen discussions about performance right here on this list -- : do any of you think DAO/ADO performs faster than SQL? If so, can you : provide some statistics? : : SUsan H.