[AccessD] Using blat

stuart at lexacorp.com.pg stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu May 22 00:37:47 CDT 2003

On 22 May 2003 at 10:07, Software Design & Solutions Pty Ltd. wrote:

> Hi everybody.
> As I am having a couple of issues with Outlook which I normally use for sending email from my 
> mdb's, I want to try Blat which so many of you have recommended.
> I am lost re: the installation and use of it.
> I have read the readme which assumes a bit more knowledge than I have. I have copied blat.exe 
> to c:\winnt\system32 and the next instruction is :
> "Run "Blat -install yourhost.site.blah.blah youruserid at site.blah.blah" which I am battling with.
> What is: 'yourhost', 'site', blah blah? 
> And how does this work with client installs?
> (In today's case I want to send email through Outlook Express). 
Blat doesn't use a client at all - so you don't end up with anything in your Outlook ro 
whatever Sent Box.  Blat sends a message directly to your SMTP server (which 
may be an Exchange box or may be your ISP depending on how you are set up.

Don't bother with the install, just give all the paramters on the command line.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Application Development

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