Bob Gajewski
rbgajewski at
Fri Nov 14 11:18:00 CST 2003
Dear List I cannot figure out how to add time. I have a database that tracks responses for emergency services providers. Table and report details are below. I'm trying to create a report showing each provider's responses, sorted and subtotaled by major class types and then minor class types, with the time of each incident shown AND subtotaled. I have no problem with the report EXCEPT that I cannot subtotal the time (the "Time = " and "Total Time = " fields). I suspect that the problem may be that I am using a formatted field (TimeDiff), and cannot add the data because they are now string values. If anyone can help steer me in a better direction, I would be extremely grateful! TIA, Bob Gajewski ************************************************************* DATABASE DETAILS: tblEmployees EmployeeID (PK) EmployeeName tblMajorClass MajorClassID (PK) MajorClassName tblMinorClass MinorClassID (PK) MinorClassName tblIncidents IncidentID (PK) MajorClassID (FK) (has "Call" or "Drill") MinorClassID (FK) (for "Call", has "Fire" or "EMS") (for "Drill", has "Internal" or "External") DispatchTime InServiceTime tblResponses ResponseID (PK) IncidentID (FK) EmployeeID (FK) The report (rptEmployeeResponse) has the following: Sorting & Grouping: EmployeeName (Ascending) Group Header = Yes Group Footer = Yes Group On = Each Value MajorClassName (Ascending) Group Header = Yes Group Footer = Yes Group On = Each Value MinorClassName (Ascending) Group Header = Yes Group Footer = Yes Group On = Each Value IncidentID Group Header = No Group Footer = No Group On = Each Value SQL Statement (QBE) EmployeeName (GroupBy) MajorClass (GroupBy) MinorClass (GroupBy) IncidentID (Count) - from tblResponses! DispatchTime (GroupBy) InServiceTime (GroupBy) TimeDiff (GroupBy) TimeDiff: IIf([InServiceTime]>[DispatchTime],Format([InServiceTime]-[DispatchTime]),"S hort Time"),Format(DateAdd("d",1,[InServiceTime])-[DispatchTime]),"Short Time")) Sample Output: Brown, Joe Calls EMS 001 11:00 13:59 2:59 003 09:13 10:29 1:16 Count = 2 Time = 4:15 Fire 002 23:04 01:41 2:37 004 11:42 12:02 0:20 005 04:30 05:58 1:28 Count = 3 Time = 4:25 Total Count = 5 Total Time = 8:40 Drills External 001 11:00 12:00 1:00 003 09:00 10:30 1:30 Count = 2 Time = 2:30 EMS 002 19:00 21:30 2:30 004 11:00 12:00 1:00 005 09:30 11:00 1:30 Count = 3 Time = 5:00 Total Count = 5 Total Time = 7:30 {Next Employee ....} Counts and times are only totaled per employee; there is no aggregate grand total.