[AccessD] CopyObject macro

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Nov 4 15:42:55 CST 2003

On 4 Nov 2003 at 15:28, Oleg_123 at xuppa.com wrote:

> Hey Group
> Is there a way to,(using a CopyObjectMacro) to copy a table, an save under
> the same name + today's date ?

CopyObject macro can't take a function as an argument, it needs a 
simple string, so without finding the entry in  msysAccessObjects and 
hacking it, there is no way that I can think of.

Why do you need to use a CopyObject macro. How about a function:

Function CopyTable(TableName as String) 
	DoCmd.CopyObject , TableName & Format$(Date, "yymmdd"), acTable, 
End Function

If you *really* need a macro , create one which calls the function 
using Runcode.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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