[AccessD] How do I place API file dialogue in centre of form

Tom Keatley tomk at multiline.com.au
Sat Nov 8 17:57:28 CST 2003

Hi all...
I am using the code below to bring up a standard file dialogue in Windows to
select a file for import which works GREAT.

I would like however the dialogue to appear in the centre of the form it is
being called from. I believe this will have something to do with the HWND
but have no idea how to proceed from here.

Can anyone assist ?

Function APIDialogBox()
         Dim OpenFile As OPENFILENAME
         Dim lReturn As Long
         Dim sFilter As String
         OpenFile.lStructSize = Len(OpenFile)
         'OpenFile.hwndOwner = me.Hwnd
         'OpenFile.hInstance = App.hInstance
         sFilter = "Pied Piper Order Files (*.eml)" & Chr(0) & "*.eml" &
Chr(0) _
         & "OLD Pied Piper Order Files (*.XXX)" & Chr(0) & "*.XXX" & Chr(0)
         & "All Files (*.*)" & Chr(0) & "*.*" & Chr(0)
         'sFilter = "All Files (*.*)" & Chr(0) & "*.*" & Chr(0)
         OpenFile.lpstrFilter = sFilter
         'OpenFile.nFilterIndex = 1
         OpenFile.lpstrFile = String(257, 0)

         OpenFile.nMaxFile = Len(OpenFile.lpstrFile) - 1
         OpenFile.lpstrFileTitle = OpenFile.lpstrFile
         OpenFile.nMaxFileTitle = OpenFile.nMaxFile
         OpenFile.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\_WebOrders\"
         OpenFile.lpstrTitle = "Please Select a Web Order"
         OpenFile.flags = 0
         lReturn = GetOpenFileName(OpenFile)
          If lReturn = 0 Then
            APIDialogBox = ""
            APIDialogBox = Trim(OpenFile.lpstrFile)
          'gives me pathname\filename
          OrdFilNam = OpenFile.lpstrFile
          'gives me filename
          filnam = OpenFile.lpstrFileTitle
          'gives me path\
          PthNam = Left(OpenFile.lpstrFile, OpenFile.nFileOffset)
          'Call WEBIMPORT
            End If

End Function

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