[AccessD] OT - Would you believe

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Mon Nov 10 21:43:47 CST 2003

I was just curious how much space was taken up by uninstalls for WinXP
both Service packs and hotfixes so I wrote this quick piece of code up
It just grabs the directory file size and totals the up.
Mine came to around 500 Mb for files such as


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
  Public Function WriteFile(filespec)

      Dim objFSo
      Dim oFolder
      Dim cFolder
      Dim sReport
      Dim sUnit
      Dim s As String
      Dim ltot As Long
      ltot = 0
    Set objFSo = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  '  Set sReport = objFSo.OpenTextFile("SpaceReport.TXT", ForAppending, 
  '  sReport.Close
    Set oFolder = objFSo.GetFolder(filespec)
    Set cFolder = oFolder.SubFolders

    For Each sUnit In cFolder
     'If MinVal < sUnit.Size Then
     ' WriteFile (sUnit)
     If Mid(sUnit, 1, 14) = "C:\WINDOWS\$NT" Then
     ltot = ltot + sUnit.Size
     s = ShowFolderSize(sUnit)
     Debug.Print s
     ' Set sReport = objFSo.OpenTextFile("SpaceReport.TXT", 
ForAppending, True)
     ' sReport.WriteLine s
     ' sReport.Close
     End If
    Debug.Print "total=" & ltot & " -  " & ByteFilter(ltot)

  End Function
  Public Function ShowFolderSize(filespec) As String
  Dim FSO As Object
   Dim f As Object
   Dim BF As String
     Dim s As String
    If Right(filespec, 1) <> "\" Then
      filespec = filespec & "\"
    End If

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = FSO.GetFolder(filespec)

'wscript.echo (f.size/1024)
' If Minval < f.size then

     BF = ByteFilter(f.Size)
      s = BF & vbTab & " are being used in:  " & vbTab & UCase(filespec)
      ShowFolderSize = s

' End If
  End Function

'---ByteFilter Function...----------------

  Public Function ByteFilter(ByteQuant) As String
  Dim BF As String
    If ByteQuant < 1024 Then
      BF = ByteQuant & vbTab & vbTab & "Bytes    "
    End If
    If 1024 <= ByteQuant And ByteQuant < 1048576 Then
      BF = CStr(ByteQuant / 1024) & vbTab & vbTab & "KiloBytes"
    End If
    If 1048576 <= ByteQuant And ByteQuant < 1073741824 Then
      BF = CStr(ByteQuant / 2 ^ 20) & vbTab & vbTab & "MegaBytes"
    End If
    If 1073741824 <= ByteQuant Then
      BF = CStr(ByteQuant / 2 ^ 30) & vbTab & vbTab & "GigaBytes"
    End If
  ByteFilter = BF
  End Function

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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